Summer vibes at the Arezzo Equestrian Style!
The last CSI2* held at the beautiful facilities of the Arezzo Equestrian Center has been a great success for Jane, Ignace and the Madonnina Team.
Junior and young rider members of the Madonnina Equestrian Center brought home a lot of placements and 6 first places from classes reserved to 5 y.o. to the highest ones.
From Jane side, excellent results from Victorio de Grez and Jalanta P.
The beautiful gray mare Jalanta, who has grown a lot during the last competitions, overachieved the expectations signing the 4th place in GP2*!
Very good performances from the gelding bay Victorio de Grez who got a brilliant 11th place in GP2* and good placements the days before.
Great results for Cubia and Hanna under Ignace Philips saddle !
Full results at this link and soon videos on YouTube !
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Italian Championship for Madonnina riders
LGCT Rome for Jane and Ignace !