Wonderful back on track for Jane at Arena Nova!
The CSI2* held at Arena Nova in Austria has been a real success for Jane and horses and the perfect way to kick off the indoor season ! Clipper, the real super star of the competition, was always clear and placed.! 4th place for him in 140 class against the clock on first day, 2nd place in 145 class with jump-off on Friday night and a final 4th place again in Sunday GP 145 over two rounds.The chestnut mare Kenia was great as well with a clear round on 130 class on Thursday and a 4th place in140 class against the clock on Saturday.With the gelding grey Fouego Jane was 7th in 130 class against the clock on Friday and she got a 2nd place on Sunday in 135 small GP with jump-off on Sunday.And clear rounds as well for Neptune the Muze in the youngest tour. Now heading to the winter indoor season and the 5* events with the right motivation!
Full results at this link